[中英双语] 数学缩写列表 (List of mathematical abbreviations)

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List of mathematical abbreviations

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



This article is a listing of abbreviated names of mathematical functions, function-like operators and other mathematical terminology.


This list is limited to abbreviations of two or more letters. The capitalization of some of these abbreviations is not standardized – different authors use different capitalizations.

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

这个列表受限于两个或更多字母的缩略语。其中,一些缩略语字母大写并不是标准的 - 不同的作者使用不同的大写形式。

  • AC – Axiom of Choice.[1] 选择公理
  • a.c. – absolutely continuous. 绝对连续的
  • acrd – inverse chord function. 逆弦函数
  • adj – adjugate of a matrix. 矩阵的伴随矩阵
  • a.e. – almost everywhere. 殆遍,几乎处处
  • Ai – Airy function. 艾里函数
  • AL – Action limit. 处置界限
  • Alt – alternating group (Alt(n) is also written as An.) 交错群
  • A.M. – arithmetic mean. 算数平均数
  • arccos – inverse cosine function. 反余弦函数
  • arccosec – inverse cosecant function. (Also written as arccsc.) 反余割函数
  • arccot – inverse cotangent function. 反余切函数
  • arccsc – inverse cosecant function. (Also written as arccosec.) 反余割函数
  • arcexc – inverse excosecant function. (Also written as arcexcsc, arcexcosec.) 反外余割函数
  • arcexcosec – inverse excosecant function. (Also written as arcexcsc, arcexc.) 反外余割函数
  • arcexcsc – inverse excosecant function. (Also written as arcexcosec, arcexc.) 反外余割函数
  • arcexs – inverse exsecant function. (Also written as arcexsec.) 反外正割函数
  • arcexsec – inverse exsecant function. (Also written as arcexs.) 反外正割函数
  • arcosech – inverse hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as arcsch.) 反双曲余割函数
  • arcosh – inverse hyperbolic cosine function. 反双曲余弦函数
  • arcoth – inverse hyperbolic cotangent function. 反双曲余切函数
  • arcsch – inverse hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as arcosech.) 反双曲余割函数
  • arcsec – inverse secant function. 反正割函数
  • arcsin – inverse sine function. 反正弦函数
  • arctan – inverse tangent function. 反正切函数
  • arctan2 – inverse tangent function with two arguments. (Also written as atan2.) 带有2个参数的反正切函数
  • arg – argument of a complex number.[2]   复数的参数
  • arg max – argument of the maximum. 最大值时的参数
  • arg min – argument of the minimum. 最小值时的参数
  • arsech – inverse hyperbolic secant function. 反双曲正割函数
  • arsinh – inverse hyperbolic sine function. 反双曲正弦函数
  • artanh – inverse hyperbolic tangent function. 反双曲正切函数
  • a.s. – almost surely. 殆必,几乎必然
  • atan2 – inverse tangent function with two arguments. (Also written as arctan2.) 同 arctan2,带有两个参数的反正切函数
  • A.P. – arithmetic progression. 等差数列
  • Aut – automorphism group. 自同构群
  • bd – boundary. 边界(拓扑学)
  • Bi – Airy function of the second kind. 第二类艾里函数
  • Bias – bias of an estimator 估计器偏置
  • Card – cardinality of a set.[3] (Card(X) is also written #X, ♯X or |X|.) 集合的势
  • cdf – cumulative distribution function. 累积分布函数
  • c.f. – cumulative frequency. 累积频率
  • char – characteristic of a ring. 环的特征
  • Chi – hyperbolic cosine integral function. 双曲余弦积分函数
  • Ci – cosine integral function. 余弦积分函数
  • cis – cos + i sin function. 欧拉公式函数
  • Cl – conjugacy class. 共轭类
  • cl – topological closure. 拓扑学闭包
  • cod, codom – codomain.  到达域
  • cok, coker – cokernel. 上核,余核
  • Cor – corollary. 推论,余定理
  • corr – correlation. 相关
  • cos – cosine function. 余弦函数
  • cosec – cosecant function. (Also written as csc.) 余割函数
  • cosech – hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as csch.) 双曲余割函数
  • cosh – hyperbolic cosine function. 双曲余弦函数
  • cosiv – coversine function. (Also written as cover, covers, cvs.) 余矢函数
  • cot – cotangent function. (Also written as ctg.) 余切函数
  • coth – hyperbolic cotangent function. 双曲余切函数
  • cov – covariance of a pair of random variables. 协方差
  • cover – coversine function. (Also written as covers, cvs, cosiv.) 余矢函数
  • covercos – covercosine function. (Also written as cvc.) 正矢函数
  • covers – coversine function. (Also written as cover, cvs, cosiv.) 余矢函数
  • crd – chord function. 弦(几何)函数
  • csc – cosecant function. (Also written as cosec.) 余割函数
  • csch – hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as cosech.) 双曲余割函数
  • ctg – cotangent function. (Also written as cot.) 余切函数
  • curl – curl of a vector field. (Also written as rot.) 向量场的旋度
  • cvc – covercosine function. (Also written as covercos.) 余余矢函数
  • cvs – coversine function. (Also written as cover, covers, cosiv.) 正余矢函数
  • def – define or definition. 定义
  • deg – degree of a polynomial. (Also written as ∂.) 多项式的次数
  • del – del, a differential operator. (Also written as .) 微分运算符
  • det – determinant of a matrix or linear transformation. 矩阵或线性变换的行列式
  • dim – dimension of a vector space. 向量空间的维度
  • div – divergence of a vector field. 向量场的散度
  • dkl – decalitre 公斗。公斗是一个容积单位,符号是daL。公斗本身不是国际单位制(SI)单位,而是接受与SI合并使用的非SI单位。1 公斗等于10 公升。
  • DNE – a solution for an expression does not exist, or is undefined. Generally used with limits and integrals. 不存在,或未定义,通常用于极限和积分。
  • dom – domain of a function.[1] (Or, more generally, a relation.) 函数的定义域
  • End – categories of endomorphisms. 自同态范畴
  • Ei – exponential integral function. 指数积分函数
  • Eqn – equation. 方程
  • erf – error function. 误差函数
  • erfc – complementary error function. 余误差函数(互补误差函数)
  • etr — exponent of the trace. 迹指数
  • exc — excosecant function. (Also written as excsc, excosec.) 外余割函数
  • excosec — excosecant function. (Also written as excsc, exc.) 外余割函数
  • excsc — excosecant function. (Also written as excosec, exc.) 外余割函数
  • exs — exsecant function. (Also written as exsec.) 外正割函数
  • exsec — exsecant function. (Also written as exs.) 外正割函数
  • exp – exponential function. (exp x is also written as ex.) 指数函数
  • expm1 – exponential minus 1 function. (Also written as exp1m.) 指数减1函数
  • exp1m – exponential minus 1 function. (Also written as expm1.) 指数减1函数
  • Ext – Ext functor. Ext 函子
  • ext – exterior. 外部(拓扑学)
  • FIP – finite intersection property. 有限交集性质
  • FOL – first-order logic. 一阶逻辑
  • Frob – Frobenius endomorphism. 弗罗贝尼乌斯自同态
  • Gal – Galois group. (Also written as Γ.) 伽罗瓦群
  • gcd – greatest common divisor of two numbers. (Also written as hcf.) 两个数的最大公因数
  • gd – Gudermannian function. 古德曼函数
  • GF – Galois field. 伽罗瓦,即有限域(Finite field)
  • GL – general linear group. 一般线性群
  • G.M. – geometric mean. 几何平均数
  • glb – greatest lower bound. (Also written as inf.) 最大下界
  • G.P. – geometric progression. 等比数列
  • grad – gradient of a function. 函数梯度
  • hacover – hacoversine function. (Also written as hacovers, hcv.) 正半余矢函数
  • hacovercos – hacovercosine function. (Also written as hcc.) 余半余矢函数
  • hacovers – hacoversine function. (Also written as hacover, hcv.) 正半余矢函数
  • hav – haversine function. (Also written as sem.) 正半正矢函数
  • havercos – havercosine function. (Also written as hvc.) 余半正矢函数
  • hcc – hacovercosine function. (Also written as hacovercos.) 余半余矢函数
  • hcv – hacoversine function. (Also written as hacover, hacovers.) 正半余矢函数
  • hcf – highest common factor of two numbers. (Also written as gcd.) 最大公因数
  • H.M. – harmonic mean. 调和平均数
  • HOL – higher-order logic. 高阶逻辑
  • Hom – Hom functor. Hom 函子
  • hom – hom-class  hom类
  • hvc – havercosine function. (Also written as havercos.) 余半正矢函数
  • iff – if and only if. 当且仅当
  • iid – independent and identically distributed random variables. 独立同分布随机变量
  • Im – imaginary part of a complex number[2] (Also written as ).复数的虚部
  • im – image 像(数学)
  • inf – infimum of a set. (Also written as glb.) 集合的下确界
  • int – interior. 内部(拓扑学)
  • ker – kernel. 核(范畴论 Category theory)
  • lb – binary logarithm (log2). (Also written as ld.) 以2为底的对数
  • lcm – lowest common multiple or least common multiple of two numbers. 两个数的最小公倍数
  • ld – binary logarithm (log2). (Also written as lb.) 以2为底的对数
  • lerp – linear interpolation.[4] 线性插值
  • lg – common logarithm (log10) or binary logarithm (log2). 常用对数或以2为底的对数
  • LHS – left-hand side of an equation. 方程的左侧
  • Li – offset logarithmic integral function. 偏移对数积分函数
  • li – logarithmic integral function or linearly independent. 对数积分函数或线性无关
  • lim – limit of a sequence, or of a function. 数列极限或函数极限
  • lim inf – limit inferior. 下极限
  • lim sup – limit superior. 上极限
  • ln – natural logarithm, loge. 自然对数
  • lnp1 – natural logarithm plus 1 function. 自然对数加1极限
  • ln1p – natural logarithm plus 1 function. 自然对数加1极限
  • log – logarithm. (If without a subscript, this may mean either log10 or loge.) 对数
  • logh – natural logarithm, loge.[5] 自然对数
  • LST – language of set theory. 集合论语言
  • lub – least upper bound.[1] (Also written sup.) 最小上界
  • max – maximum of a set. 集合的最大值
  • M.I. – mathematical induction. 数学归纳法
  • min – minimum of a set. 集合的最小值
  • mod – modulo. 模数运算
  • mtanh – modified hyperbolic tangent function. (Also written as mth.) 修改后的双曲正切函数
  • mth – modified hyperbolic tangent function. (Also written as mtanh.) 修改后的双曲正切函数
  • mx – matrix. 矩阵
  • NAND – not-and in logic. 与非逻辑
  • No. – number. 数
  • NOR – not-or in logic. 或非逻辑
  • NTS – need to show. 需要展示,需要展现
  • ob – object class. 对象类
  • ord – ordinal number of a well-ordered set.[3] 良序集的序数
  • pdf – probability density function. 概率密度函数
  • pf – proof. 证明
  • PGL – projective general linear group. 射影一般线性群
  • pmf – probability mass function. 概率质量函数
  • Pr – probability of an event. (See Probability theory. Also written as P or .) 事件概率
  • PSL – projective special linear group. 射影特殊线性群
  • QED – "Quod erat demonstrandum", a Latin phrase used at the end of a definitive proof. 证明完毕,拉丁语,用在明确证明的结束处。
  • QEF – "quod erat faciendum", a Latin phrase sometimes used at the end of a construction. 拉丁语,meaning "which had to be done",有时用在一次作图的结尾,意思是这就是要做的。
  • ran – range of a function. 函数的值域
  • rank – rank. (Also written as rk.) 秩(线性代数)
  • Re – real part of a complex number.[2] (Also written .) 复数的实数部分
  • resp – respectively. 分别地,各自地
  • RHS – right-hand side of an equation. 方程的右侧
  • rk – rank. (Also written as rank.) 秩(线性代数)
  • RMS, rms – root mean square. 均方根
  • rng – non-unital ring. 伪环pseudo-ring
  • rot – rotor of a vector field. (Also written as curl.) 向量场的旋度
  • RTP – required to prove. 需要证明
  • RV – Random Variable. (or as R.V.) 随机变量
  • sec – secant function. 正割函数
  • sech – hyperbolic secant function. 双曲正割函数
  • seg – initial segment of.[1] 初始线段,起始线段
  • sem – haversine function. (Also written as hav.) 正半正矢函数
  • SFIP – strong finite intersection property. 强有限交集性质
  • sgn – signum function. 符号函数
  • Shi – hyperbolic sine integral function. 双曲正弦积分函数
  • Si – sine integral function. 正弦积分函数
  • sin – sine function. 正弦函数
  • sinc – sinc function. sinc函数
  • sinh – hyperbolic sine function. 双曲正弦函数
  • siv – versine function. (Also written as ver, vers.) 正矢函数
  • SL – special linear group. 特殊线性组
  • Soln – solution. 解答
  • sp – linear span of a set of vectors. (Also written with angle brackets.) 一组向量的线性范围
  • Spec – spectrum of a ring. 环的谱
  • s.t. – such that or so that. 以便
  • st – standard part function. 标准局部函数
  • STP – [it is] sufficient to prove. 足以证明
  • sup – supremum of a set.[1] (Also written lub.) 上确界,最小上界
  • supp – support of a function. 函数的支撑集
  • Sym – symmetric group (Sym(n) is also written as Sn.) 对称群(n次对称群)
  • tan – tangent function. (Also written as tgn, tg.) 正切函数
  • tanh – hyperbolic tangent function. 双曲正切函数
  • TFAE – the following are equivalent. 以下是等价的
  • tg – tangent function. (Also written as tan, tgn.) 正切函数
  • tgn – tangent function. (Also written as tan, tg.) 正切函数
  • Thm – theorem. 定理
  • Tor – Tor functor. Tor 函子
  • Tr – trace, either the field trace, or the trace of a matrix or linear transformation. 迹,或场迹,或矩阵或线性变换的迹
  • undef – a function or expression is undefined 函数或表达式未定义
  • var – variance of a random variable. 随机变量的方差
  • vcs – vercosine function. (Also written as vercos.) 余矢函数
  • ver – versine function. (Also written as vers, siv.) 正矢函数
  • vercos – vercosine function. (Also written as vcs.) 余矢函数
  • vers – versine function. (Also written as ver, siv.) 正矢函数
  • W^5 – which was what we wanted. Synonym of Q.E.D. 这就是我们想要的,Q.E.D.的同义词
  • walog – without any loss of generality. 不失一般性
  • wff – well-formed formula.  合式公式
  • whp – with high probability. 很大概率地
  • wlog – without loss of generality. 不失一般性
  • WMA – we may assume. 我们可能假设
  • WO – well-ordered set.[1] 良序集
  • wp1 - with probability 1. 以概率1
  • wrt – with respect to or with regard to. 对
  • WTP – want to prove. 想要证明
  • WTS – want to show. 想要展示,想要展现
  • XOR – exclusive or in logic. 异或逻辑
  • ZF – Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms of set theory.[3] 集合论的策梅洛-弗兰克尔公理
  • ZFC – Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms (with the Axiom of Choice) of set theory.[3] 集合论的(含有选择公理)策梅洛-弗兰克尔公理


  • Goldrei, Derek (1996). Classic Set Theory. London, UK: Chapman and Hall. pp. 283–287 (Index). ISBN 0-412-60610-0.
  • Priestley, H. A. (2003). Introduction to Complex Analysis (2 ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 321 (Notation index) ISBN 978-0-19-852562-2.
  • Hamilton, A. G. (1982). Numbers, sets and axioms. Cambridge University Press. pp. 249–251 (Index of symbols). ISBN 0-521-24509-5.  Raymond, Eric S. (2003), "LERP", Jargon File, 4.4.7
  • Jolley, L.B.W. (1961). Summation of Series (2 (revised) ed.). New York, USA: Dover Publications, Inc.LCCN 61-65274.


English Texts From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematical_abbreviations





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